
I am Peter Karoly “Stone” JUHASZ. I was born at 1980. I live in Hungary, Europe.

I am a programmer mathematician. I work as a system administrator.

I interested in: server administration, artificial intelligence (precisely: games, machine learning and neural networks), network security, p2p technologies and distributed systems.

My hobbies includes: computers (I love Linux, and the whole open-source thing), hiking, learning chinese, flightsimulating …


IT skills

Operating Systems: GNU/Linux (Ubuntu, Arch, RedHat), Android, Windows

Virtualization/container platforms: Azure, Amazon Web Services, VMware vSphere, KVM, docker, kubernetes, k3s, k8s, VirtualBox, LXC, Azure

Programming languages: Ada, Assembly, Bash, BASIC, C, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python

Server applications: ansible, Apache, Asterisk, BackupPC, BIND, Courier, Cyrus, Exim, Git, KVM, Munin, MySQL, Nagios, netfilter, Open iSCSI, OpenLDAP, OpenVPN, postfix, Pure FTP, Puppet, rsync, Lighttpd, LVM, LXC, Satellite, SCB, SSB, syslog-ng, Zorp firewall

Web skills: AJAX, CSS, HTML

Office skills: GIMP, LaTeX, Libreoffice

Language skills

Hungarian: Native

English: B2-C1

Chinese: B1

These several of those web-pages I made and/or operate and I recommend:

Documents & Downloads

These are some of the documents what I wrote during the years (for example my thesis) and also my CV. (Sorry buy many of this is only in Hungarian.)


Feel free to contact me at: stone at midway dot hu